Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Farmville 2 on mobile very soon!

Yes you read the title right. A new version of Farmville 2 is going to hit your mobiles very soon and it is entitled “Farmville 2: Country Escape”. Excited? So are we! It’s finally happening! We’ve been waiting for this for ages and now that it’s been confirmed, we can’t wait for it to arrive! Check out more information of this upcoming game below.

According to zynga’s blog release, Farmville 2: Country Escape is brand new mobile game that is almost the same as farmville 2 but can only be played on mobile phones and tablets. You will still of course have a farm but this time set on a beautiful coastal setting where you are going to restore your family farm.Farmville 2: Country Escape is a brand new (separate) game from the current Farmville 2 on Facebook. Zynga however stated that they have added Connected Rewards on both games which wil allow players to transfer valuable goods between farms. Gamers will also be able to send resources such as water across farms.

Will this new game affect the old Farmville 2?

According to Zynga, no, it won’t. Farmville 2 will continue to get new features regularly that we, the players have come to love and expect.A lot of great surprises to look out for the coming months on the old game. Farmville 2: Country Escape was created so that players will be able to take their Farmville experience even when they are not in front of their computers.

Will players be able to access Farmville 2 web game on mobile?
Only Farmville 2: Country Escape will be playable on mobile but Zynga added some pretty cool feature, the Connect Reward system, on both mobile and web game that will allow players to transfer valuable goods between farms.

Will Farmville 2: Country Escape be playable online with internet connection?

According to Zynga, NO. That’s right, it’s a big no! This means that you can now continue farming offline! This is probably the best thing about this upcoming game. We on countryescapeguides were already very excited learning about this game but being able to play it offline is just way over the top coolness!

When is the Farmville 2: Country Escape release date?

There’s no exact date yet on the release of Farmville 2: Country Escape but Z said that it will be available worldwide on the coming months. They will however be conducting a game test on select regions to ensure best experience possible for players and of course to test out bugs and game problems before it gets released to every one.

For more news and updates regarding Farmville 2: Country Escape, like our FACEBOOK PAGE.


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